

schools a bust, and we all know that shit. it wasnt out of frustration, stress or laziness that almost convinced me to drop out, but the idea that i was wasting my time learning shit that i coulda taught to the damn class myself. i knew i could be doin something more beneficial to my career and myself rather than memorizing matrices or figuring out "why its wrong to manipulate and deceive others" like it isnt obvious already (business ethics is an oxymoron btw). yea, droppin out is a common thought in every student. but more so for shits and giggles. to me it was serious talk.

and thus, my new york dreams were conceived.

but not until today did i actually do some researching of what it'll take to seriously survive in the city and stop pretending that im gonna have the perfect "carrie" life. even though i wanted it more than anything, i was scared to shits
(which is what prevented me from searching in the first place).. and even more so after hours of searching for cheap apartments, transit lines, and even safety tips. if it werent for my dead battery and the birds' chippity-chirpin outside my window id still be looking. but at least now i know where i stand. and ive never been more driven in my life.

in my relentless search to find anything under $800, i came across these two studios. which are both over $850.



so assuming i find a job(s) that pays $25 an hour, work 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, i can afford one of these cute studios with some cash left over for food.
or shopping to decorate the space.

wish me luck :]

and if you have any suggestions, by all means, share that shit

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