
1095 days

today, 03.27.08, would have marked 3 years.

happy would-be anniversary?

out of those 1095 days together, we probably spent 95 or less of those days apart. its a lonely desperate feeling being alone and single for the first time in 8 years (with him: 3 years; with previous bf: 5 years; between the two: 2 days). he became my routine, my agenda, my life.. not just part of it. he was it. and to go from that kind of normality and stability to complete insanity is harder than one could ever imagine.

weird how we're still celebrating today. but thats what we are.. or, were.. a weird couple. not your traditional pair. which worked for and against us. and is still working for and against us.

[rock the bells 05]

us at our first rock the bells.

when times were easier.
when times were right.
when times were happiest.
us surrounded by the music that brought us together.
the first instances of true love.
when we fell in love.


im trying so hard not to hate life right now.

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