
inglourious basterds

im sure every review of this movie you'll read will give you the same "glorious" remarks. and if they give you otherwise, they're full of shit. tarantino has one twisted, sick, and amazing brain and im so curious as to how he does it every single time.

easily on my top 5 list.

not to mention, the score.
the music in not just this, but ALL his movies, is so seemlessly genius.

left the theaters with this one ringing in my ears. so beautiful, and beautifully used.

far too much to type.
if you've seen it, lets have an intelligent discussion over a couple brewskies.
if not, get off the damn computer and go watch it!

1 comment:

Joannanna said...

Just saw this yesterday. And I agree to the fullest! Lets do brewskies!