

saddest news of my friday :(

flight of the conchords just announced that they have no plans to film a 3rd season nor will they continue flight of the conchords as an entity.

i cant even count how many times ive played season 1 over and over again for about 2 weeks straight. and being halfway through season 2, i was hoping id have more of the boys to look forward to.

alas, all great things must come to end. i highly suggest you add the flight of the conchords season 1 and 2 to your Christmas list! here, i leave you with a few of my favorites:

[first song i was introduced to]

["depending on the street, you're definitely in the top 3"]

["they call me the hiphopopotamus, my lyrics are bottomless..."]
["my rhymes are so potent that in this small segment, I made all of the ladies in the area pregnant"]

["shut their motherboardfucking systems down"]
["binary solo!"]

["i put a wig on you when you were sleeping"]

["you know when im down to my socks its time for business thats why they call it business socks"]

["we need to spread the dicks out a little bit"]

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