

the newest addition to the family:

brother and sister

i notice that i have the tendency to give a back story to almost every post. anyway, here's this one:
my sisters been looking for a dog for what seems like forever. this christmas i was planning on surprising her with the cliche dog-in-box-bow-around-his-neck gift. instead, today, roaming bored around the hometown, we found ourselves at petsmart checking out the adoption selection as we do every saturday/sunday. about an hour later and $160 broker, we walked out, labrador/german shepherd mix in arms.

merry christmas manang!

her name, initially spelled GEM but i took it upon myself to make her cooler by switching it to JEM [if you know why than YOU are that much cooler as well], is still up for review. either way, we're blessed shes here :]

[ EDIT ]
her name is now Mango.
but im gonna call her Girl.

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