even if the lineup over these past years has progressively lost its ability to weaken my knees, i'm still gonna remain so loyal.
Million Circle: YESSSSSSSSSSS!
Double Circle: Hell Yea
Single Circle: Coo
Underline: Yea, sure. Why not?
Box: I don't know you, but it sounds like I love you.
X: I hate you.

The Mae Shi
Passion Pit
Marnie Stern
Of Montreal
Flight of the Conchords
These Arms Are Snakes
and sadly, more.
The Mae Shi
Passion Pit
Marnie Stern
Of Montreal
Flight of the Conchords
These Arms Are Snakes
and sadly, more.
there is something about this place that makes me feel at peace and at ease.and like a hippie.
best performance:
best performance:
- yeah yeah yeahs: hands down, my favorite band of all time. satisfied i FINALLY got to see them :)
other great performances:
- ghostland observatory: since when the flamboyant become hot? crazy what huge sound only 2 guys can make
- los campesinos: noisy! my eardrums were on the verge of blowing, but this 10+ piece band were outrageous!
- amanda palmer: and the few moments i caught of her. that voice is so amazing
- peter, bjorn and john + lykee li: amsterdam represent!
greatest disappointment:
- MIA: who the hell put her on the main stage?! main stage is not meant for party.. thats what sahara is for. even she said herself shes doesnt know how to work the main stage. not until she brought up 100+ hipster kids from the crowd was she able to vibe off them.
other great disappointments:
- silversun pickups: still patiently waiting for a song to replace "lazy eye," and until they do so, they remain overrated.
- crystal castles: i first watched them at the glasshouse when they opened up for metric. anyone that has been to the glasshouse knows that, although it pretty spacious, it gets crazy! i was fearing for my life being in that crowd, and i wanted (and expected) to feel the same way at coachella, but instead i was only scared for alice busting her own head in with the mic. shes dope, the musics dope, but their performance just didnt do it for me. im blaming it on the natural light taking away from their stage lights
- the black keys: music for car rides, reading, backgrounds, etc. but not for live show (sorry joanna!). the 2 guys are extremely, EXTREMELY talented, and they still remain one of the best bands i've heard, but they were far from commanding that big ass main stage (MIA-like dilemma)
biggest shock:
- lead singer of junior boys: the voice definitley does not match the face. you never woulda guessed!
- my bloody valentine: 10-20 minute feedback. come on, now.
- the cure: if i wasnt flyering and didnt have to wait until the festival was over to be off of my shift, i wouldnt have cared that they played for 3 fucking hours.
biggest regret:
- gang gang dance: my goodness, they are so good. and, so ive heard, even better live
- pos: his performance just doesnt get old. long live afro-rap-punk
- ida maria: just to check her out
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