in the midst of all preparation for this competition, all the early morning practices, all the run-throughs, all the choreo learning, all the drama feeding, and the crying, and the ups and downs and all that bullshit, i hurt myself. pretty bad. during a dance i slammed my head against the pavement. it didnt even hit me till maybe a couple seconds later what i had just done, and even then i still didnt feel the pain. i remember grabbing my forehead and falling to the floor on my back, kinda laughing, kinda moaning, hoping no one saw it. but of course everyone did. and if they didnt see it, they heard it, or so i was told.
it was exactly like how you'd see it on tv. everyone crowding around you, just staring at you laying there. a teammate was asking me questions like where i was at, who i was with, what i was doing, and i just kept saying, dude im ok. its not even that bad. while at the same time i felt the most massive bump grow beneath my hand. the reaction of my team when i moved my hand from my head was priceless! i spent the rest of the night at the ER (which, may i add, was hands down the craziest trip to the ER i have ever experienced).
i really wish i had a picture to post right now.
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